Living Systems: open, self-organizing systems made up of living entities and elements that interact with their environment and are maintained by flows of information, energy and matter.
From ecosystems to government systems, from the nervous system to the transit system, from individual beings to communities, living systems are everywhere. Such a systems view makes connection and interdependence seem obvious, and yet often this critical aspect of life is forgotten when we set out to design and develop communities. Gaia Living Systems Institute is working to bridge that gap through education and outreach that demonstrate and teach how consciousness and culture studies, ecology and economics all come together to help us understand how living systems work. Community development approached in such a manner leads to prosperity and harmony for all.
There are living systems; there is no living "matter."
- Jacques Monod, Biochemist and 1965 Nobel Prize Winner Current Projects Explaining & Encouraging Regenerative Practices
All around the world people are discovering and applying combinations of ancient and modern technologies to restore land and create food supplies.
At Gaia Living Systems Institute we are collecting their experiences and sharing the principles, as exemplified in these videos:
Considering the Current U.S. and Global Political Scene and Implications
Global industrial culture is not working, but there are other ways to live. The old myths no longer hold, but new explanations of reality are replacing them. The old technologies are destroying our biosphere, but new technologies are being developed, and new boundaries, based on ecology, are being encouraged to help us honor the planet’s natural processes instead of trying to control them. Even as the world we’re living in appears to be dying, the world we could be living in is waiting to be born.
This research explores the many ways the needed seeds are being planted and what resources are at hand so we can choose - create - our future. CLICK HERE to learn more about the project and the book. Plastic as a Community Resource
Research Opportunities
If you are interested in learning more about, or if you're part of an activity that is creating a social, economic, or technological system that is based in ecological consciousness, please let us know.
Gaia Living Systems Institute
PO Box 2024 Waldport, OR 97394 |
Where Culture Studies, Future Studies, Ecology, and Consciousness come together
Gaia Living Systems Institute offers research and outreach opportunities aimed at enabling the intuitive and sustainable design and development of prosperous, harmonious communities for coming generations.
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